Regular Price $11.90 SGD Sale Price $15.00 SGD Unit price: $0.00 SGD
Tax included.

Product: Premium Unagi Kabayaki XL 鳗鱼
Country: China
Weight: 320g/pcs
Price quoted per pkt after GST
Frozen Groceries/Frozen Food

Simple preparation

1. Preheat oven to 425°F (218°C)
2. Cut roasted eel fillet into half and place them on the baking sheet lined with aluminum foil
3. Sprinkle sake on the surface of the roasted eel Bake in the oven for 6 to 8 minutes until heated
4. Place steamed rice in an individual bowl, sprinkle about a tbsp of sauce over the rice, and top with cooked roasted eel on the top

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