Regular Price $7.05 SGD Sale Price Unit price: $0.00 SGD
Tax included.

Product: EB Shrimp Wonton With Mala Sauce  麻辣虾肉云吞 - 12PCS/PKT
Country: Product of Singapore
Quantity: 204gm/pkt
Price quoted per pkt after GST
Frozen Groceries/Frozen Food
Shelf Life: 2 years from production
Storage: Keep Frozen @ -18ï‚°C

Simple method to prepare the meal, you can choose to boil or microwave it.

1. Add 12 pieces of shrimp wonton into 500ml of boiling water and cook for 4-5 minutes. Drain the boiling water OR add 500ml of water and 12 pieces of frozen shrimp wonton into a microwavable bowl then microwave for 4-5 minutes.
Pls note that time may vary with different microwave.
2. Soak the sachet of mala sauce in warm water to defrost for 1 minute.
3. Tear the sachet of mala sauce and pour onto shrimp wonton.
Flaming hot mala wonton is ready for serving

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